I'm in searching process ...

The blog pretty much will be about my expression and thought so that I will be able to walk on this land like a man ...

Friday, December 26, 2008


The song of Shania Twain really makes me fly. My soul is going somewhere. It drags me back in 2004. It’s the time when I was having the victory, enjoying my time with no burden of life, moving around like a bird totally free, inhaling air of freedom, exhaling accumulation of burden and scratching new things cannot be erased forever.
It’s too beautiful to let it go. It’s too impressive to let it go. Remembering them is always taking me up to the sky. Although most of the time I found hard time to stop remembering, but I do it all the time. It just like marked it up deeply in my heart and mind. I don’t think someone could erase it. Death is the only one which will be able to get me away from them.
Time has moved. Things changed. So do I. I have to move forward instead of staying and remembering. I have to start walking even running. The world is moving faster than before. I don’t want to be left behind. I have to be with even farther. I want to repeat my victory. I want to realize the last memory to be the present memory with the better modification and features.
Sense of having new family is not an old story. It happened to most exchange students. Meeting them for one year is not like meeting a classmate. The situations are different. Definitely are. the only place to talk with and share with, where take and giving is happening many times, where you call them dad and mom just like family and where there many loves between you and them are the things make it different.
My host family’s favorite singer is Shania twain. They made me love it too, but like the mellow one more. The songs I like are from this moment, you’re the one, when you kiss me and most song I like is you’ve got away. But I have to stop the music now. I want to stop remembering. I have to be back to my real world. Studying and working to get my favorite moment back, to get my memory back. Remembering the moment could endanger my future by doing nothing, but this remembering also could motivate me to bring it back by doing hard. Later, I want to introduce my Indonesian family to my American family. I will take my family to the place where I had visited back in 2004. I will also take my American family to Indonesia. I want to make them having sense of having two houses: America and Indonesia. I believe I can do it. Yes I can do it.

Idham, in remembering Seattle
7:05 AM - 24 December 2008


Blogger Buat intelek muda indonesia said...

thanks dah berkunjung di daerah kami...gimana seneng g? itu mah baru separuhnya, pasti belum berkunjung di daerah bulukumba toh? disana ada budaya kajang yang masih mempertahankan budaya natural mereka n tidak mau nerima budaya luar or moderenisasi, penasaran...? makanya datangki lagi nah k makassar!!!!

May 2, 2009 at 1:00 AM  
Blogger Buat intelek muda indonesia said...

thanks dah mengunjungi daerah kami ya.....gimana keren kan???jangan bosan-bosan yah...coz masih banyak hal-hal yang dapt ditemukan dimakassar!!!!ditunggu ya.....

May 2, 2009 at 1:02 AM  

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